K.S. Nakshatra
Born on 28-08-2014 in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Reciting 195 Countries and Capital Names in 4 Minutes and 8 Seconds. We at Kalam’s World Records Are Appreciating Her Talent, Honouring Her on Stage With Big Applause, and Looking Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. The Achievement Was a Success, and She Completed the Event Under the Guidance of SSB Vidhya Nikethan N/p School Coimbatore, Date 10-11-2023. This Achievement is Registered in Kalam’s World Records.
Born on 28-08-2014 in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Reciting 195 Countries and Capital Names in 4 Minutes and 8 Seconds. We at Kalam’s World Records Are Appreciating Her Talent, Honouring Her on Stage With Big Applause, and Looking Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. The Achievement Was a Success, and She Completed the Event Under the Guidance of SSB Vidhya Nikethan N/p School Coimbatore, Date 10-11-2023. This Achievement is Registered in Kalam’s World Records.