Title: Chennai’s Dr. V. Ponsegaran Shines Bright: Extinguishes 76 Candles with Kicks in Honour of India’s 76th Independence Day
Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Chennai, often referred to as the cultural capital of India, has produced yet another exceptional talent that has left the world in awe. Dr. V. Ponsegaran, born on November 30, 1996, in this vibrant city of Tamilnadu, has etched his name in the pages of history by accomplishing a truly remarkable feat. With a sense of patriotism and a vision of a “Drug-free Nation,” Dr. Ponsegaran extinguished an astounding 76 candles through a sequence of kicks. This remarkable achievement, achieved on August 6, 2023, is now officially recognized in Kalams World Records, solidifying his place among world-class achievers.
In a display of physical prowess and unwavering determination, Dr. Ponsegaran accomplished the extraordinary by extinguishing 19 candles on each kick. What makes this feat even more astonishing is the complexity of his technique: every kick was executed using his right leg, which rotated in all four directions – North, South, East, and West – without ever touching the ground. This level of precision and coordination stands as a testament to Dr. Ponsegaran’s exceptional skill and dedication to his craft.