Aahilya Madhu Mahesh Udawant
Born on 09-02-2023 in Nashik, Maharashtra, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Identifying and Reciting Famous Indians 25, Sea Animals 13, Animals and Reptiles 32, Animals Sound 20, Shapes 5, Flags 7, Vehicles 12, Colors 6, Days of Week 7, Fruits 8, Planets 8, Numbers 10, States and Capitals 7, Months of the Year 12, Rainbow Colours 7, Chess Pieces 6, Continents of World 7, Parts of the Body 10. We at Kalam’s World Records Appreciate Her Talent, Honor Her on Stage With Big Applause, and Look Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. Achievement Date 25-09-2024. This Achievement is Recognized by Kalam’s World Records.
