Ayrah Sabharish
Born on 22-04-2023 in Erode, Tamil Nadu, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Identifying and Reciting Countries Flags 69, Insects 17, Internal Organs 12, Leaders 11, Currencies 10, Vegetables 10, Parts of the Body 10, Fruits 9, Car Logos 9, Good Habits 7, Gods 7, Wonders 7, Wild Animals 6, Solar System 5, Solving 3 and 9 Shapes Matching Puzzles, 5 Circle Nesting, 7 Rainbow and Rings Stacking. We at Kalam’s World Records Appreciated Her Talent, Honouring Her on Stage With Big Applause, and Looking Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. Achievement Date 22-07-2024. This Achievement is Recognized by Kalam’s World Records.