G.Krishitha Hazel
Born on 12-10-2021 in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Identifying and Reciting Rhymes (4), Alphabet Phonics (26), Numbers (20), Colours (10), Animal Sounds (6), Bible Verse (2), New Testament Books in Bible (5), Fruits (10), Vegetable (8), Transport (9), Parts of the Body (14), Weekdays (7), Months (12), Wild Animals (8), People at Work (6), Food (10), India Map States (8), Shapes (6), Insects (9), Facial Expressions (9), Human Senses (5), Other Common Things (60+). We at Kalam’s World Records Are Appreciating Her Talent, Honouring Her on Stage With Big Applause, and Looking Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. Achievement Date 28-05-2024. This Achievement is Recognised by Kalam’s World Records.
