Ragendu R Nair
Born on 26-05-2021 in Alappuzha, Kerala, India. She is Appreciated for Her Talent for Identifying and Reciting, Action Words 10, Shapes 10, Colors 10, Fruits 25,
Vegetables 21, Food Items -21, General Things 90, Country Flags 25, Birds, Animals and Insects 25, Gk Questions 29, Months 12, Weeks 7, Malayalam Months 12,
Numbers 1 to 20, a-z Alphabet 26, Continents 7. We at Kalam’s World Records Appreciate Her Talent, Honoring Her on Stage With Big Applause and Looking Forward to Her Future Stepping Stones. Achievement Date 18-05-2024. This Achievement is Recognized by Kalam’s World Records.